Daniel Carrillo

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  • Lawrimore Project burned scultpure

    Posted August 31st, 2009

    Heard about the fire at Lawrimore Project early August.  Apparently, a vagrant burned a portable mock living groom by Sutton Beres Culler  behind his gallery.  I had driven by on numerous occasions and  thought it would be a good subject for the 8 x 10.  During lunch time on Friday, I walked down to the gallery to find Scott sitting out on the curb waiting for a patron.  He gave the OK for the picture so I set up in a parking lot  that was slightly elevated from the burn site giving me a very nice view.   Shot at f32 at 1/60th of a second and developed normally wtih d-76 1:1 for 11 minutes in a beseler drum.  I took two shots and  developed one in d-76 and the other with a failed batch of ABC pyro which I totally fucked up; the one developed in pyro didn’t survive.
