First Wet Plate Collodion Ambrotype ever!
First ambrotype ever!……..well the only that survived anyway. The first was well exposed but the collodion lifted of while being washed. This one suffers from underexposure and whiting residue ’cause i just didn’t clean it right. The last plate was so underexposed that it just didn’t develop. 1 out of 3 but this is just the beginning!
Shot it with my Burke and James 8 X 10 with a modified 8 x 10 film holder that takes a 7 x 9 inch glass plate. Lens was a Bausch and Lomb 11 x 14 (400mm) f/4.5 lens. Exposure was 5 seconds just as the sun went down.
This is what the lens looked like after I stripped off all the flaking black paint-